
Discuss. Gender representation with Meg Shields

At a time when the university is wringing its hands over dropping enrolment and the value of a liberal arts degree is called ever more into question, studies are now suggesting part of the problem may be the male-dominated curriculum of most philosophy departments. Third-year student Meg Shields has a suggestion — make FYP more gender representative. […]


Discuss. McLuhan with Matt Furlong

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be releasing special editions of the podcast, Discuss. Extra, that will  feature interviews with expert guests on topics not included in FYP. What is the media? What is technology? Today, we may superficially understand these concepts, but already in the 1960’s one prophetic philosopher was engaging with these questions in ways that […]


Discuss. Shakespeare with Roberta Barker

When we think of English theatre, English literature or even the English language, many of us will think of one man, who (if high school English teachers are to be trusted) can be credited with inventing the whole lot: Shakespeare. The picture, of course, is more complicated. Nonetheless, when Shakespeare was writing, English theatre was […]


Discuss. The reformation with Haflidson and Robertson

The early sixteenth century saw the rise of reformation movements questioning the role of the Church in the spiritual lives of individuals. At the forefront of this debate were two figures, Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus, powerful intellectuals who locked horns over the question of free will and clerical authority.


Discuss. Hermeticism and the occult with Kyle Fraser

Black magic, ancient ciphers, hidden esoteric knowledge – these ideas notably obsessed Pico and his contemporaries. Around the turn of the 16th century, as scholars searched for signs of end times, the idea of a single universal religion captivated the imaginations of some European Christians and continued to hold the Western imagination in one form […]


Discuss. Renaissance art with Jannette Vusich

In this week’s installment of Discuss. our host John Last speaks with EMSP professor  Jannette Vusich about Renaissance art. A favourite FYP lecture subject now coming straight to your earbuds! Discuss. Renaissance art with Jannette Vusich.


Discuss. Medieval university with Ian Stewart

In this week’s episode of Discuss. Host John Last talks to Ian Stewart about the medieval university and the contemporary university. You can listen to it here to find out what is different about university, how it’s changed and why we still have them! Discuss. With Ian Stewart.


Discuss. Medieval art with Susan Dodd

In this week’s episode of Discuss. our host John Last talks to Susan Dodd about medieval art and architecture. Tune in to hear why this professor of modern philosophy finds the subject so engaging. Discuss. with Susan Dodd.


Discuss. Augustine with Ron Haflidson

  In this week’s installment of Discuss., our host, John Last, talks to EMSP professor Ron Haflidson on St. Augustine. Discuss. with Ron Haflidson.


Discuss. Virgil with Peter O'Brien

The second installment of “Discuss.” involves an interview with Peter O’Brien on the Roman Empire