Campus Updates News

The Galley reopens for takeout, but the Wardroom remains closed

The Galley reopened today for takeout service, with hopes for online service in the near future. The Wardroom will remain closed for the time being.

With the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year, the King’s Galley will reopen while the Wardroom will remain closed. 

The Galley resumed operations on September 8th on a reduced schedule. Initially they will only be offering take-away services with the hopes of introducing an online component later. 

JM Nsengiyumva is hospitality coordinator for the KSU and is in charge of managing both the Galley and Wardroom and hopes to have the online ordering in the near future 

“In the week or two ahead we plan to introduce online ordering operations,” says Nsengiyumva. 

In addition to the online ordering the Galley will look to make changes to their menu to better suit students new needs. 

“The Galley is working to amend their menu to help better suit the needs of take-out and take home food and drink options,” says Nsengiyumva. Though the changes will not be ready by the beginning of the semester, they hope to roll them out through September. 

The Wardroom will not be opening physical operations for the time being, and is still in conversations surrounding this year.

“The main priority for any and all of our operations is safety, … the Wardroom conversations continue surrounding what constitutes a safe and feasible way to operate,” says Nsengiyumva. He says the Wardroom will continue to work with the University’s Campus Coordination Plan in hopes of a phased approach towards a gradual reopening of campus services. 

In the meantime, both the Galley and the Wardroom will also be looking towards virtual engagement. 

“The Wardroom is looking to offer some form of virtual regular event programming, and the details should be ironed out in the coming week or so,” says Nsengiyumva. 

While the Galley will be operational, Nsengiyumva acknowledges the new operation might not offer the same experience that many students have come to expect. As such, they will focus on virtual opportunities so students both near and far will be able to feel connected to the Galley, but more information is yet to be announced. 

For more consistent updates on the Galley and the Wardroom, the best way to find them is on their Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter pages.

By Jack Ronahan

Jack is a second-year journalism student at King's and is a member of the Blue Devils badminton team. He writes on athletics and school news.

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