City News

RAW VIDEO: National Day of Action in Halifax

[box type=”info”] Warning: This video contains strong language. [/box] Yesterday, the Canadian Federation of Students, supporters and post-secondary students nationwide went “All Out” in the form of rallies and protests to call for free and accessible education for all from provincial and federal decision-makers. In Halifax, students at King’s, Dalhousie, NSCAD University, the NSCC Waterfront […]

In Focus News

Casual racism on campus: Wardroom Wu-Tang Night sheds light on larger issue

To our readers: Over the past few days, we’ve been facing a rather difficult ethical dilemma. Given the reaction to the original post discussed below, we were asked to disable comments on this article. We aren’t. Here’s why. As journalists, our duty is first and foremost to our readers. But in dealing with sensitive issues […]